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Educational Gymnastics


Traditional Gymnastics :" is a series of stunts that are presented to students in a more formal, and developmentally appropriate manner."


"Educational Gymnastics :" A sequential list of skills having common neuromuscular elements and representing an ever more complex form of the same general type of movement. "" Gymnastics aimed at developing reasonable and modest skills of a gymnastic nature " Traditional skills, mainly on the floor, taught in a sequence based in part upon skill difficulty and lead-ups to more difficult skills."" Body management and body awareness abilities that are gymnastic in nature.

Educational gymnastics are movement problems that students are given, and they work to resolve them.

Students are taught a health related fitness warm-up that includes cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and flexibility exercises. Students are responsible for the knowledge and terminology used in the physical activity setting.

Read about the benefits of gymnastics!


Gymnastic schools in Albuquerque GForce

1. Gold Cup

2. Albuquerque Gymnastics School

3. The Little Gym






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